
A new hobby!

Scrolling through endless feeds of Instagram Reels and TikTok videos has become the norm – short bursts of entertainment that demand little attention and offer instant gratification. While I do enjoy the mindless fun from time to time, I’ve begun to realize that something’s missing. I long for a change of pace, something with more depth. That’s why I’m turning to a more traditional outlet: blogging.

The thought of having a dedicated space to simply write for myself and for anyone who’s interested is incredibly appealing. It feels freeing in a world where our online personas are often dictated by algorithms and instant feedback. I want a place to explore ideas, practice my writing, and share pieces of myself – without the constant pressure of chasing likes and comments. A blog is my chance to self-reflect, dig deeper into my thoughts, and share perspectives that social media’s quick-hit format doesn’t often allow for.

I’m not sure exactly where this little experiment will take me, and that’s part of the fun! I don’t know how long I will stick with it, but hopefully I enjoy parts of it during the process!